FBI not revealing its counter-WMD failures, maybe covering up
Bush' Neo-cons targeted Valerie Plame Wilson's Brewster Jennings cover firm at the beginning of the Bush2 admin, when they were inventing the Iraqi WMD pre-emption rationale - before her hubby hero Amb Joe Wilson publicly reported that Bush lied.
The Neo-Cons needed her out so they could lie.
I think they blew her cover & her intelligence career later in mid 2003 because they were having the accused Anthrax Attacker in Iraq assembling a fake mobile bio WMD lab - probably a psyop plant to justify the invasion & occupation while the real enemies, our allies, Saudi Pakistan, were funding terror, building WMD & proliferating it @ great personal profit.
Valerie Plame probably could have blown that mobile lab ruse & any phony Iranian plants and lies. Her specialty was Iranian WMD, although the whole region was her bailiwick. That was why she was 'fair game.'
Who got the FBI off Haftill for Anthrax? Who sent Hatfill to Iraq?
Who may have tipped the White House to the Anthrax attacks before the tainted mail arrived?
Who got the White House on Cipro then?
These Neo-con crazies are all linked to Cheney. I bet he has something to do with the Anthrax Attacks, the follow-up to 9/11/01's attacks that bridged our policy to pre-emption and Iraq, even though the Anthrax was American-sourced.
Since NATO is fighting the terrorists and WMD, NATO & InterPol should investigate.
The USA and the World needs an independent, funded, and powerful investigation of the 9/11/01 and the Anthrax Attacks.
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