Enzo Titolo

Politics, Paranoispiricies, neologisms, diary, creative, ruminations

Monday, February 19, 2007

What is it with those 9-11 Victims' Families Bashers?

I am sick of hearing MAnn Coulter and her ilk complaining about the 9-11 victims' families, and what those commenters think the families should do to please them and their visions for America and how to get the terrorists back. I think the motive is that the families are powerful and this is a way to divide us, and disempower the victims' families, to make them shut up or to cause us to tune them out.

I would hope that if I were murdered that people would try to find my body, clean up the murder scene but after examining the evidence around my murder, put the murderers to justice, build a spot to memorialize me, and send me off in the way of my faith.

The families of the victims are our nation's conscience. Without them we wouldn't have had even the lame 9-11 Commission that we did have after a year of pushing, which then was rushed (after being stonewalled) and then underfunded. Compare that with the investigation/fishing expedition of President Clinton. The families of the victims, especially 'the Jersey Girls,' are sacrificing to protect all of us! You or your loved ones could be next, and our nation could still be just as unprepared as it was in 2001.

Meanwhile, the families of the victims get to grieve in a trailer, near 350 bones recently found, computer equipment, and office furnishings that were embedded a few feet from their trailer; they were told that the area was thoroughly searched years ago. 40% of the WTC victims, around 1200, were not identified with any remains.

Foreign visitors are shocked at the lack of a memorial or indoor space for the public to visit. The WTC Tribute Visitors Center is underfunded, run by the 9/11 community and donations.

Don't confuse the war on terror with the need for an investigation, or even a real recovery of the remains, with the greed and megalomania that is represented by the Port Authority, the LMDC, and Silverstein Properties with regard to the WTC redevelopment. The families are not blocking their power or greed or redevelopment.

WTC7 is done. The plans were ready 30 days after the attacks. It is lawsuits with insurance companies so that Silverstein can make a $3 billion profit on the attacks, rather than a few million from the insurance companies, while he gets to modernize the complex with mostly his plan and favorite architects -- and he gets the $200 million asbestos job in the Twin Towers removed free by the 40,000 rescue and recovery workers and volunteers' lungs, none of whom have seen a dime of health care for their heroism.

Congress set aside $1B in health insurance for them (about 3 days' costs in Iraq, which had NOTHING to do with 9/11 except tangentially in that it has something to do with oil prices and the unsavory leaders who set them and then use the profits to buy arms and services from U.S. based companies like Halliburton, Carlyle Group, and Kellogg, Brown & Root.) Meanwhile the insurance lady in charge of the fund gets paid $350,000 a year for two years, paying $400/hour lawyers to block every single claim. If you want to get angry about something, get angry at people who gain from these attacks, not the grievers.

Next time someone says the victims' families should shut up, please encourage listening to them, empathizing, asking how we can help them or support their favorite causes. By doing so we will help our families, nation, and selves.

MAnn Coulter is an attack dog, a provocateur, who should not be taken seriously for what she says but for what she represents or whom. That is what is interesting about her. Trying to figure out who behind her benefits from her advocacy or divisions.

The victims of the WTC attacks and their families are the canaries in the coal mine. If we don't listen to them, their stories, and needs, we might be next.

So if you are wondering about who has won, think about how, without justice or safety, or trustworthy leaders, or responsible business people in insurance, real estate, or media, then we all lose, and we become more like a nation of mullahs and oligarchs, running things in secret meetings without accountability, while dividing people and distracting them. The kind of nations where terrorists come from.

What a far cry our nation has become since the Depression and World War 2 when people pulled together and hated greedy war-profiteers, and insisted upon full complete investigations, and honor. That's patriotic!


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