When things go badly, they go well for Team Bush
The Cheney-Rumsfeld-Condi Axis, with Bush as its Goofy-Faced Simulated-Tuff-Talkin'-Guy, are a cancer on our country and the world.
They have used whatever means at their disposal to get their objectives met: high energy prices and high military materiel prices, and maybe even population reduction behaviors (wars) thrown in to keep folks fearful, united, and with the added bonus of thinning out the herd. More stuff for them, with less competition and inflation.
They used the religious right, the conservatives, the neo-cons, tandem terrorist events (2001's plane bombings and anthrax), and probably even Israel (the recent Lebanon debacle to test out new urban anti-muslim-insurgency techniques and technologies) to further their goals. Cheney owns Halliburton stock, Condi was a Chevron Board Member (which while she was on its board they named a super tanker after her), Rumsfeld's probably heading to Carlyle Group, and the Bushes own Carlyle, and are owned by their Saudi brethren to whom they owe a lot.
The world realized that we in the USA were on our own a while ago. The American Left realized it by 2003 or 2004.
At this point, even brow-heads like John Murtha and Tom Ridge and conservatives with brains like William F. Buckley realize that this Axis is playing only for itself.
The worse things get for everyone else, the better they get for Cheney-Rumsfeld-Condi-Bush. These guys are pirates.
'There is chaos under the skies, and the situation is excellent' - Mao. As Barb Bush said about the poor in the Houston stadium after Katrina blew them there: 'It is scary, but this is working out quite well for them.' I think that this quote can apply to her brood much more accurately.